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NOW Blockchain! Where Security Meets Innovation.

Step into the future with NOW blockchain, where cutting-edge technology meets unparalleled security. Our revolutionary platform harnesses the power of Proof of Mobile (PoM), ensuring your transactions are not just secure, but seamlessly integrated with the device you carry every day.


Witness the unparalleled synergy of mobile devices working together as a unified force, yet safeguarded with the resilience of individual nodes. Seamlessly processing transactions at lightning speed, our technology ensures the collective power of mobile devices operates as securely as each standalone node. Embrace the future where unity and safety converge with Proof of Mobile.

Distibuted Ledger

With Mobile-Node Distributed Ledger technology, your phone becomes a vital node in the blockchain network, ensuring your data is protected like never before.


Unlock unlimited scalability for your transactions. By leveraging mobile devices as nodes in the blockchain network, we ensure seamless scalability without compromising on security or efficiency. Say hello to a future where your transactions can scale effortlessly, empowering you to achieve your goals with ease

Energy Efficient

Experience a greener, more sustainable future with Proof of Mobile. By utilizing the energy-efficient power of mobile devices as nodes in the blockchain network, we reduce carbon footprints while maintaining top-notch security. Join us in revolutionizing the digital landscape, one eco-friendly transaction at a time

Distibuted Ledger

With Mobile-Node Distributed Ledger technology, your phone becomes a vital node in the blockchain network, ensuring your data is protected like never before.

Energy Efficient

Experience a greener, more sustainable future with Proof of Mobile. By utilizing the energy-efficient power of mobile devices as nodes in the blockchain network, we reduce carbon footprints while maintaining top-notch security. Join us in revolutionizing the digital landscape, one eco-friendly transaction at a time

Financial Services

Implement NOW Blockchain for faster, more secure transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries and streamlining processes such as remittances, cross-border payments, and asset tokenization.


Improve patient data management and interoperability by leveraging NOW Blockchain for secure and decentralized electronic health records (EHRs), ensuring privacy, accuracy, and accessibility of medical information.

Decentralized Marketplaces

Build decentralized marketplaces using NOW Blockchain to connect buyers and sellers directly, eliminating intermediaries, reducing transaction costs, and fostering peer-to-peer trade in various industries such as e-commerce, real estate, and freelance services.

Gaming and Entertainment.

Create decentralized gaming and entertainment platforms powered by NOW Blockchain, offering transparent and provably fair gameplay, digital asset ownership, and new monetization models for developers and content creators.

Identity Verification.

Improve identity verification and authentication processes by employing NOW Blockchain for decentralized digital identities, enabling individuals to securely manage and control their personal data without relying on centralized authorities.

Voting Systems.

Enhance the integrity and transparency of electoral processes by deploying NOW Blockchain for secure and tamper-proof voting systems, enabling verifiable and auditable elections.

Intellectual Property Management.

Protect and manage intellectual property rights using NOW Blockchain to create immutable records of patents, copyrights, and trademarks, thereby preventing unauthorized use and ensuring fair compensation for creators.

A Chain is No Stronger Than its Weakest Link

We recognize the critical importance of identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities across various domains, including security, teamwork, and personal development. Just as the integrity of a chain hinges upon the strength of each individual link, the resilience of any system or organization is contingent upon addressing its most vulnerable components. This principle underscores our unwavering commitment to meticulous vigilance and proactive measures.

We maintain a constant vigilance for threats targeting our community, swiftly investigating and remediating any identified risks to ensure the safety of our users. Moreover, we uphold the highest standards of security through regular external assessments and audits conducted on the NOW network and its associated products. These assessments serve as a deliberate effort to fortify our security infrastructure, with the results informing strategic actions aimed at continuous improvement and enhancement